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Getting married or becoming civil partners has many tax advantages. However, for landlords it could result in higher income tax bills. Why, and what steps can you take to prevent this?

Income from jointly owned assets

A general principle of tax is that income derived by individuals who own an asset jointly is that they are taxed on any income the asset produces in the same proportion. However, this needn’t be the case. For example, joint owners of a let property who are neither a married couple nor in a civil partnership together can allocate the rental income between each other regardless of how much of the property they own.

Example. Dev and Asmaa, who live together as a couple but are not married or civil partners, own a property 50/50 as tenants in common. Dev is only liable to basic rate tax on his income while Asmaa is liable to the higher rate. To reduce their joint income tax bill they draw up an agreement that says Asmaa is entitled to just 5% of the rental income and Dev, 95%. They will be taxed on the income they are entitled to even though they own the asset 50/50. If the annual income net of expenses was, say, £12,000, this arrangement would cut their joint tax bill by £1,080.

Tip. Dev and Asmaa could instead create a general partnership. This is a more formal arrangement that would also allow them to share profits (or losses) from year to year as they see fit (see The next step ).

HMRC’s view

While HMRC doesn’t like partnerships or profit-sharing agreements set up to gain a tax advantage, it accepts it can’t challenge them unless an arrangement is a sham. It’s important therefore that the terms of such an arrangement are properly evidenced.

Trap for attached couples

The rules are different for married couples and civil partners. If they own a property jointly, any income it generates is automatically taxed 50/50 regardless of who is entitled to the income and even if they own the property in uneven proportions, e.g. 75/25.

Trap. An income-sharing arrangement such as that used by Dev and Asmaa in our example will have no effect for tax purposes. Even though under the agreement they are entitled to 95% and 5% respectively (of the income but not ownership of the asset), HMRC will tax them as if their entitlement was 50/50.

Problems with tax returns

If Dev and Asmaa from our example got married, their tax-saving plan would cease to work. They might not be aware of the trap and so continue to declare income in their tax returns on the 95/5 basis. As a result, Asmaa could find herself under investigation by HMRC.

Tip. To maintain tax efficiency, Asmaa could transfer part of her share of the property to Dev, say to bring his share to 95%. HMRC will then tax each of them on income in the corresponding proportions if the couple submit a joint election (a Form 17 , see The next step) to that effect. Alternatively, they could form a partnership which would allow them to allocate the property income how they wanted without the need to change the ownership shares.

An unmarried couple can allocate entitlement to income from their jointly owned properties to maximise tax efficiency and HMRC will go along with it. However, if they marry or join in a civil partnership the profit allocation is deemed to be 50/50 for tax purposes. The best way to work around this rule is to form a business partnership.

The next step

Declare beneficial interests in joint property and income
PIM1030 - Introduction: jointly owned property & partnerships

This article has been reproduced by kind permission of Indicator – FL Memo Ltd. For details of their tax-saving products please visit or call 01233 653500.

6th Sep 2023 12:32


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Keywords for: Property rental, getting hitched and a tax trap

inspire financial management, stockton on tees, financial management, accountant, accounting, gateshead, Property